Our mobile ministry is a multi-faceted approach to bringing the LORD to the people. With the mobile ministry, a team will climb into an RV and travel to various locations to bring the word of GOD to people who would otherwise miss hearing a sermon for whatever reason.
Perhaps they are truck drivers or do some other job that keeps them on the road for extended periods and they don’t feel comfortable going to a church local to their location because they don’t know anyone. Perhaps they are homeless and they don’t want to go to church because they feel like they can’t get dressed well enough to go. When I was a child, I remember my mother telling me I had to dress for the LORD. In other words, putting on our best Sunday clothes to go to church. The homeless population likely grew up the same way, and they feel like they don’t have anything good enough to visit the house of GOD. I know some mainstream church ministers who speak about dressing for the LORD, but I’m here to tell you this, GOD HAS NO REQUIREMENT ON HOW YOU DRESS. It’s nice to be able to do that if you have the means, but many out there do not. The mobile ministry will help with that.
The mobile ministry will also deliver food when we can to these people. They will be given the opportunity to shower in the RV if they so choose. The RV kitchen will be used to prepare a rare, hot meal for them. We intend to collect or buy blankets in the wintertime to distribute to those who are cold. Where we can, we will also be providing coats to that same population.
In the midwestern states, we have the cowboys that we can minister to, and the list can go on and on. The thing is, it takes money to do things like this. Your donations, as we wait to become 501(c)3 approved, and we will be – the IRS like all government agencies move slowly. By the end of the tax year, however, all donations will be tax deductible and when we are fully approved, this page will be updated to reflect that. In fact, the entire website wll be updated to reflect the tax deductibility of all donations.
We are a ministry that fully intends to be transparent. At the end of the year, you will start to see pages populated on this website, that will reflect the total amount we have taken in for the year, for each line item, and where the money was used. Money in one account, WILL NOT BE USED to fund any other account. So, unlike the mainstream churches, who to my knowledge do not give ALL OF THE DETAILS, we WILL GIVE ALL OF THE DETAILS, right down to the last penny.
So please, help us to make this mobile ministry a reality. You can CLICK THIS LINK HERE or you can scan the QR code with your phone to make a $20.00 donation toward our mobile ministry effort. When we do go mobile, we will be posting videos and photos on this website to show you the work we are doing.